As I was experimenting with the SMS Broadcaster, one of my projects stopped working suddenly.

I haven’t made any changes in months, and it has been reliably working so it was a little bit surprising.

It turns out that the device uses refresh_token to renew access_tokens to call the backend API. I didn’t realize that the refresh token request is affected by MFA settings (I should know better, shouldn’t I? But alas…).

When I turned on MFA in my Auth0 account I did it for EVERYTHING using Rules:

function multifactorAuthentication(user, context, callback) {
  context.multifactor = {
    provider: 'any',
    allowRememberBrowser: false
  callback(null, user, context);

With this, all requests would be challenged. My Arduino code did not take that condition into account and would simply try to renew the token ad aeternum.

The message you get back when this happens is something like this:

  "error": "mfa_required",
  "error_description": "Multifactor authentication required",
  "mfa_token": "e26.2*272dc2*02f..........."

Of course, rules allow you to tweak when MFA as required. In my case, I wanted to exclude this particular device on refresh (but not on the initial authentication), so I rewrote the rule to:

function multifactorAuthentication(user, context, callback) {

  //If it is a device of type=display & it is a refresh, skip MFA
  if(context.clientMetadata && 
     context.clientMetadata.device_type && 
     context.clientMetadata.device_type ==='display' &&
     context.protocol === 'oauth2-refresh-token'){
    return callback(null, user, context);
  context.multifactor = {
    provider: 'any',
    allowRememberBrowser: false
  callback(null, user, context);

I am using the clientMetadata object with is an arbitrary payload you can associate to a “app” (in this case my display). In this case, I am using a property device_type = display.

Now my display is back inspiring me every day, and the quote that I’ve got was:

It takes the whole of life to learn how to live, and-what will perhaps make you wonder more-it takes the whole of life to learn how to die. - Seneca

It is important to highlight that if you configure MFA with a Policy instead of rules, then refresh_token requests are automatically excluded. Rules directives take precedence over a policy.