This is Part II of my AI written mosaic generator in which I describe the algorithm I used to create the tiles. (Part I is described here).

The approach is pretty simple. Credit for describing how to generate goes to me! The actual code to do it, goes 95% to OpenAI. My 5% was some tweaking here and there.

The assumption is that the input image being processed contains a lot more pixels than the tiles. So the algorithm I came up with works like this:

  1. Divide the original picture into sections equal to a tile and find all pixels in that tile.
  2. Compute the average color of all pixels in such tile (each pixel is modeled with 3 integers, representing the RGB values).
  3. Compute the closest color in a given palette to the average.
  4. Add the resulting palette color (also 3 integers for RGB) into an output array.
  • Step 2 is accomplished by simply adding all R, G and B and dividing by number of pixels in a tile.
  • Step 3 is a little bit more interesting, but simple too. I am just using the Euclidean distance of the average to all palette reference colors:

D = SQRT( (Ri - Rp)^2 + (Gi - Gp)^2 + (Bi - Bp)^2 )

Ri, Gi, and Bi is the input (average) color. Rp, Gp, and Bp is the RGB value of the reference palatte. And I am comparing it to all values in the palette. Gray scale is 16. Lego is about 227 and Prisma is 150. In any case, it is pretty fast…

The complete module looks like this:

const sharp = require('sharp');
const getPixels = require('get-pixels');

const lego_colors = require('./lego_colors.json');
const crayola_colors = require('./crayola_colors.json');
const prisma_colors = require('./prisma_colors.json');
const grayscale_colors = {};

grayscale_colors.color_list = Array.from({ length: 16 }, (_, i) => {
    const value = Math.floor((i / 15) * 255);
    const hex = value.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
    return {
        color: `gray_${hex}`,
        hex: `#${hex}${hex}${hex}`

function hexToRgb(hex) {
    // Ensure the hex string has 6 characters
    if (hex.charAt(0) === '#') {
        hex = hex.substring(1);

    // Parse the hex string and return the RGB values
    return [
        parseInt(hex.substring(0, 2), 16),
        parseInt(hex.substring(2, 4), 16),
        parseInt(hex.substring(4, 6), 16)

function findClosestColor(inputColor, colorArray) {
    let minDistance = Infinity;
    let closestColor = null;

    for (let i = 0; i < colorArray.length; i++) {
        let ref_color = hexToRgb(colorArray[i].hex);
        let redDiff = ref_color[0] - inputColor[0];
        let greenDiff = ref_color[1] - inputColor[1];
        let blueDiff = ref_color[2] - inputColor[2];

        let distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(redDiff, 2) + Math.pow(greenDiff, 2) + Math.pow(blueDiff, 2));

        if (distance < minDistance) {
            minDistance = distance;
            closestColor = i;

    return colorArray[closestColor];

exports.processImageToGrid = (image, type, palette, gridWidth, gridHeight) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        getPixels(image, type, (err, pixels) => {
            // Get the size of the original image
            const width = pixels.shape[0];
            const height = pixels.shape[1];

            if(width < gridWidth || height < gridHeight){
                reject(new Error('Image is too small'));

            // Calculate the size of the cells in the grid
            const cellWidth = Math.floor(width / gridWidth);
            const cellHeight = Math.floor(height / gridHeight);

            // Create an array for the output image data
            let outputImage = [];
            let inventory = []; //Used for the color inventory
            let colorSequence = []; //Used for the instructions
            let lastColorName = null;

            //All available palette 
            let list = {
                crayola: crayola_colors.color_list,
                lego: lego_colors.color_list,
                grayscale: grayscale_colors.color_list,
                prisma: prisma_colors.color_list

            for (let j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++) {
                lastColor = null;
                for (let i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++) {
                    // Initialize the sum for each color component
                    let sumR = 0, sumG = 0, sumB = 0;

                    // Calculate the average color of the cell
                    for (let y = j * cellHeight; y < (j + 1) * cellHeight; y++) {
                        for (let x = i * cellWidth; x < (i + 1) * cellWidth; x++) { 
                            // Get the color components of the pixel
                            const r = pixels.get(x, y, 0);
                            const g = pixels.get(x, y, 1);
                            const b = pixels.get(x, y, 2);

                            // Add the color components to the sum
                            sumR += r;
                            sumG += g;
                            sumB += b;

                    // Calculate the average color
                    const avgR = Math.round(sumR / (cellWidth * cellHeight));
                    const avgG = Math.round(sumG / (cellWidth * cellHeight));
                    const avgB = Math.round(sumB / (cellWidth * cellHeight));

                    const out_color = findClosestColor([avgR, avgG, avgB], list[palette || "lego"]);

                    //Add the average color to the output image data
                    //compute distribution
                    let color = inventory.find(c => c.color === out_color.color);
                                          color: out_color.color, 
                                          hex: out_color.hex, 
                                          count: 1 
                    } else {

                    //Add to color sequence
                        colorSequence[j] = [];
                        colorSequence[j].push({ color: out_color.color, hex: out_color.hex, count: 1 });
                        lastColorName = out_color.color;
                    } else {
                        //same row
                        if(lastColorName !== out_color.color) {
                            colorSequence[j].push({ color: out_color.color, hex: out_color.hex, count: 1 });
                            lastColorName = out_color.color;
                        } else {
                            colorSequence[j][colorSequence[j].length - 1].count++;

                        raw: { 
                            width: gridWidth, 
                            height: gridHeight, 
                            channels: 3 
                .then(data => {
                    const base64Image = `data:image/png;base64,${data.toString('base64')}`;
                            imageRaw: outputImage,
                            image: base64Image,
                            instructions: colorSequence,
                            inventory: inventory
                .catch(err => reject(err));

Using the get-pixels and sharp modules was OpenAI idea and it simplifies things quite a bit. There are many optimization opportunities. For example, hexToRgb is called on the palette reference values (which are … duh… reference!). All this can be pre-computed. Other values that are computed on each loop, could also be pre-computed. But in my quick and dirty experiments, it is pretty fast anyway; amd I’d rather spend the time pinting now or building legos.