In my Arduino projects a lot of the ends up being string manipulation. A good example is constructing the response objects for a REST API. This ends up being a bunch of concatenations, sprintf, etc.

The naive/straightforward approach, is to hold a few buffers, print on them, then potentially concatenate the partial results.

Consider the response to the “run command” message:

  1. The server stores a command to be run by the device. This is a JSON object with more or less this shape:
  cmd: "clock synch",
  id: "1234567890"
  1. The JSON object goes to a queue.
  2. The device picks the message from the queue and runs the command.
  3. The device sends back the response to the server. The response is something like this:
  id: '123456790',
  response: {
    encoded: true|false,
    text: "clock synched"

In the example above the id is used for correlation, and the response section is the actual result of the command. Because the result can contain characters that need to be encoded (e.g. " or >), the property encoded is used to signal whether text is (url-encoded) or not.

To build the response we need to assemble all parts, including running the command and URL-encoding it. In my first attempt this was just a bunch of buffers and a combination of sprintf, and strncat.

Not terrible, but I wanted to try a different approach, hopefully simpler. Also, I tend to favor single, large, multi-use buffers. After some experiments, I ended up with this approach using 2 classes:

  1. A Stream derived class that writes on a buffer.
  2. A second Stream class that acts as a filter of the first Stream. In this case, the filter is url-encoding the results.

So, usage looks like this:

char buffer[MAX_BUFFER];

FixedSizeCharStream out(buffer, sizeof(buffer));

//Header of the response

urlEncodedFilter result(&out);

//Run something that writes on `result`

  result.print("here is something that goes into the {response.text}");


//Close JSON and send

FixedSizeCharStream simply wraps a char buffer[]. urlEncodedFilter writes on the same Stream (and consequently the underlying buffer) but as it writes to it, it encodes the characters that go through it. (thus the “filter” name)

On the wire the object looks:


The implementation is straight forward:

class FixedSizeCharStream : public Stream {
  char * s;
  int w_position;
  int r_position;
  int max;
  int truncated = 0;  //Signals that we ran out of space attempting to write

    //The underlying buffer
    FixedSizeCharStream(char * s, int max) : w_position(0), r_position(0) {
      this->s = s;
      this->max = max;

    int isTruncated(){
      return truncated;

    // Stream methods
    virtual int available(){ 
      return w_position - r_position;
    virtual int read(){
      if(r_position == w_position) return -1;   //No data
      return s[r_position++];
    virtual int peek(){ 
      if(r_position == w_position) return -1;   //No data
      return s[r_position];
    virtual void flush() { 
      r_position=0; w_position = 0; 
    // Print methods
    virtual size_t write(uint8_t c){

        truncated = 1;
        return -1;

      s[w_position++] = (char) c;
      return 1; 

    virtual void end(){
      s[w_position] = '\0';

and the filter:

class urlEncodeFilter : public Stream {

 const char * hex = "0123456789abcdef";
 Stream * s;
    urlEncodeFilter(Stream * s) {
      this->s = s;

    virtual int read(){ 
      int c = s->read();
      if(c == '%'){
        char code[3] = { s->read(), s->read(), 0 };
        return strtol(code, NULL, 16);
      } else {
        return c;
    virtual size_t write(uint8_t c){
      if (('a' <= c && c <= 'z')
        || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
        || ('0' <= c && c <= '9')) {
       return s->write(c);
      } else {
        if( s->write('%') == -1 ) return -1;
        if( s->write(hex[c >> 4]) == -1) return -1;
        return s->write(hex[c & 15]);

    // Stream methods (pass-thru to the referenced Stream)
    virtual int available(){ 
      return s->available(); 

    virtual int peek(){ 
      return s->peek(); 
    virtual void flush() { s-> flush(); };

And of course, this means I can use these with anything that is designed to work with Streams.